
Hotter than a two dollar pistol!

I can't help but jump the gun on this one (no pun intended)! The Pistol Annie's is a hot little country group that is sure to set country music on fire! I've read rumors that there might not actually be an album released, I hope that's a lie because when you've got a good thing, you better run with it. So I'm assuming that all the effort going into promoting (website, video intro, photos) the group is evidence of a future album. I've been a huge Miranda Lambert fan ever since I saw her little ol' video for "Me and Charlie Talkin'" back some time ago. To say the least, I am so happy to see her getting the attention and awards I have always known she had earned. The girl not only can SING and write, but she is hands-down the most beautiful gal in country music, and all of music. And I love her style, and from what I've seen and read, she seems like the most humble and honest person you could ever meet. It's probably safe to say, I like her a lot.
And then she goes and makes a band (at least I'm pretty sure she's being credited for forming the band) with herself, Ashley Monroe (who didn't love her duet with Ronnie Dunn a few years back?! I know I did! Where's her new album anyway??) and Angaleena Presley. They debuted their single "Hell On Heels" on the TV special "Girls Night Out", but since I heard about them and found their  bandpage on Facebook, I am practically foaming at the mouth for more of their music!!
So alright ladies, hurry up and release your album! I'm in love!
Check out their website here!
Here's a youtube video of their performance, which might get deleted once copyrights move in, but for now, it's on youtube!


These boots...

"The scars on my knuckles match the scuffs on these cowboy boots." -Eric Church 'How Bout You'

If this were truth or dare and I were asked what my obsession in life is, I would shamelessly admit to cowboy boots. I love love love them. Many times I have fantasized about owning a store that sells just country/western home goods and beautiful cowboy boots, with emphasise on the boots, of course.
I spend hours online looking at boots that I only wish I could have in my collection. Many of them are so beautiful I wonder if I'd even wear them if I bought them. I'm sure I would, only to have someone step on the toe, leave a scuff, and I'd have to introduce them to my fist. That's just a joke, well- sort of.
Here are some of my recent favorites:
Tony Lama 3R Series Tumbleweed Buckaroo Boot - Square Toe
I love my pretty boots to have a  nice heel on them, because let's face it, we could all use the benefits of a heel. I also love the square toe, I'm a square toe fan because my shoe size is on the larger side and pointed toes make me look like I have clown feet, square toes give me confidence. I also love the color of the leather but most importantly I love the design on the shaft. The design would go well with so many different colors, which can be a challenge to match your boots to your outfit, with these you should have no trouble! $159.99 (on sale now) at Shepler's.
Old Gringo Blue Jean Lace Cowboy Boots
Old Gringo is one of my favorite boot makers. Their designs are always original and beautiful. I can see in their work and attention to design the reason why they are costly, but they look like they are worth every penny. I love these boots because they are girlie, yet tough. I am not a fan of super girlie anything, especially boots. These boots are versatile and would look amazing with a dress. If I owned a pair, I'd probably hire a photographer just to photograph me in these! Gorgeous. $479.99 (on sale!) on Shepler's.
L515-3 Lucky by Old Gringo
This one was love at first sight. I'm wondering if Old Gringo has been inside my head, wondering what MY boot would look like. Because there boots are my DREAM boot, and anyone who knows me, knows these are me. The color is cognac, the shaft is 13 inches and everything is perfection. Beautiful beautiful beautiful boots. I don't think I could say enough good things about these boots.
Bucky Bronco by Liberty Boot Co.
If you ever want to have your mind blown by cowboy boots, head over to Libertyboots.com. Though they stray far from traditional boots, make no mistake that their boots are works of art. A little more edgy and a lot more rock'n'roll, these boots wear you (in a good way of course). With intricate inlays and tooling, a pair of Liberty Boots says "Hey, I take my cowboy boots seriously".

Calamity Jane by Liberty Boot Co.

Sunflowers (in Mustard) by Liberty Boot Co.
I hope some day I can have a collection that requires it's own closet, or at least it's own closet wall.

But that's just me.... how bout you?